If you've ever tried headphones or Apple EarPods with your Xbox One only to be rewarded with an odd buzzing, don't worry-neither your controller or your headphones are broken.Connect your headphones and play sound, and then check if the volume is enabled and turned up for both. Windows 10 can set volume on a per-device, and per-app basis.

Select your headphones from the list that opens.

The reason for this is because your computer isn't grounded. I am using a laptop so all I have to do is unplug the cable from the back. All you have to do is unplug your power cable. This is an easy solution to get rid of static and humming noise from your microphone/headset.According to Polygon, this is necessary to fix the buzzing feedback sound because Apple designed their 3.5mm plugs a bit differently: "while most 3.5mm headsets use the tip, first ring, second ring and sleeve of the jack for the left ear, right ear, microphone and electrical grounding, respectively, Apple's headsets actually swap the grounding and microphone, resulting in that awful static.The most advanced audio technology and endurance materials combine to deliver expansive cinematic sound. Be fully immersed in the Gamescape and the hear the entirety of epic soundtracks. Hear enemies sneaking around, special ability cues and everything else all around you. Since you are having a problem with both the front and back jack, and have tried several different headphones, the problem must be something on the sound card if you have a separate one.

In my experience, audio static is almost always (but not always) a physical problem, often a problem with a jack or plug. Thing is, it makes the buzzing noise even if the stream can't hear the actual in game sound and I can't hear anything through my headset until I listen to the recorded broadcast later.